Wednesday, April 18, 2007

A Friend of a Friend with cancer

We've mentioned before on our blog our very good friends, the BareNakedFamily. We haven't yet had the honor of meeting their friends, the BlackSheepFamily, but we know they are in need right now.

Isaac is a father of four and has just been diagnosed with cancer. He is the breadwinner in the home, Johhna his wife, stays at home and homeschools the kids. Since he has had surgery he will be down for awhile and going to possibly start treatments that will take him out. He will no longer be able to work and the Family is having a hard time with that.

The following non-profit group is raising funds to help this Family through their rough time. Please visit the site below, where you can link to read more about this family and how to donate to help them pay their bills while Isaac is not able to work.

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