Sunday, February 10, 2008

Yet Another Injury!!

Well, I guess it just runs in the family. On Wednesday last, while enjoying a social at Mandola's in the Triangle, Aurora went to jump onto a ledge and sprained her foot. A doctor happened to be in the crowd and examined her foot, recommending that we go get it x-rayed.

What a wonderful homeschooling community we have!! It was suddenly like having 8 extra "me"s right there to get things done. I was a little overwhelmed at all the offers of help as I'm used to handling emergencies by my lonesome. I was in the bathroom when it happened and by the time I got outside (maybe a minute?), someone already had Aurora's shoe and sock off, was cradling her head, and someone was off for ice. Sam had taken Caed to a doctor's appointment, so someone picked him up after and they joined the rest of us in the Emergency Room.

Aurora's foot was fortunately not broken, but she has to been by an orthopedic surgeon this upcoming week to evaluate her for possible surgery. I'm not sure where the line is between needing it or not, but it's something we will face. She is presently on crutches with an air cast and regular icings.

Excitement abounds.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh no! I hope it turns out to not serious! Aurora, feel better soon!!!
