Monday, February 18, 2008

So What's Going On?

Shh, it's a secret! Some know kind of what's going on, we're still up in the air and unsure about it.

If you want to know, you have to call us and ask us, or ask us when you see us (if you live in this city).

It's exciting!!


Anonymous said...

Ummm... family here... are we the last to know because we live in the frozen motorcity???

What the heck is going on???

Pepper Lee said...

Oh, you gots to call! No, you're not the last to know. I'm working nights at the mo, so call whenever you can and we can chat.

Anonymous said...

Trick is getting time to call, sis. ;)

I'll have to find a way to bribe the kids and lock myself alone in the bathroom to talk! haha

Pepper Lee said...

Amen to that, sister. I end up talking on the phone locked in the bedroom at 10 o'clock at night!